Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1938 — 5 INDICTMENTS ARE RETURNED BY GRAND JURY Jury Concludes First Session Since Investigation of Hilo Wharf Shooting Five Cases Are Presented By County Attorney Beers, In Last Court Session [ARTICLE]
Jury Concludes First Session Since Investigation of Hilo Wharf Shooting
Five Cases Are Presented By County Attorney Beers, In Last Court Session
Aftcr pleadingr guilty, Jnana Martinz alias Juana Martmez was put on probation for five years by Judge D Ē. this aft«rnoon. Other defendants who eame up f°r arrai£nment pleaded not suilty, including G. S. Waber, William Poaī and Anatolio Gonsalves. Arraignment of Odon QuiJote was p>assed to Frxday. The trial jar>' has been eallwl for 10 a. m., Monday, Novembcr 28.
Five indictments were returned this morning bv the grand jury of the fourth eircuit court. The true bills \vere brought back by the first session of the jury smce it investigated the Hilo wharf shooting of August 1. Indictments were returned against the following: Juana Martinz alias Juana Martinez, polygamy. Anatolio Gonsalves, assault and battery with a weapon obviouslr and imminently āangeroas to life. G. S. Waber, forgery. William Poai, statutory charge. Odon Quijote, statutory. The jury conver.ed yesterday morning at 10 a. m. The five cases were presented by County Attorney W, H. Beers who will relinquish ihe oflice to Martm Penee next January ; Unless a special sesskm is called, todays sessioh was the last for the veteran inc\imbent nt the loeal court, The third circuit grand jury is expected to meet early in December. however. The fo!lowing men were on the jury:
S. Dodge Baker. Ezrkiel Baptiste. Prrry H. Bayly. William W. Brov/n, John L. Dykes, E. R. Hartley. X. 1«. Helbush, E- N, Holmes, Jr., Louis Kapela, Aneone J. Kimi, Ralph K. Y, Lau, Totnoichi Machida, Gilbert Patten, Henry W. Porter« Jr„ Costa P. Roumanis, Ernest K Sadamoto, Miehae! de F. Spinola and <6tanley Williatns.