Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 29, 16 November 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT THE . PALACE THEATRE, I . Tot3ay only **Four Daughters" with tbe "Laue Stefeers" and Jeserey Lynn Tomorrpw and Friday "Lettcr of Introduction M wiih Audrea Leeds and Charlie McCartby Saturday only The lnvisible Man" 1 with Claudc Rāins. iiund#y and Moudaj> ü ßrea&io£ The Ick" with Bobby Emio aud Irene l>arc | T#£scl&y ouU* | "Mr. l>oodle Kieks j with Joe Penuer AT THE EMPIKK THE-\TRE Today and tomorr<>w Meet the Girlsi" with June Laug an-J L.vnn Bāri 4i The l*aintt*d Trai!" with Tom Xeene Friday and batur>la.v N« with Rosa IVI Rosario snd Loojk>Mo I Sunday and Monda,v i "iWW wiiii Maaio Ckrk i aini Coiin T*pk\v I of the Trair' wilh ! Tom Tj ler i Tuesdaj,- onl.\ f "Cacoanut Groove" witii I Fmi MacMurno- aud Harriet ,Hillard