Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 29, 16 November 1938 — HILO STREETS TO BE LIGHTED FOR CHRISTMAS Lights to Be Turned On At 6 p. m. Saturday, Depember 10 Inaugurating Season Parade, Christmas Songfest At Moobeau Park Are Planned for Evening [ARTICLE]

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Lights to Be Turned On At 6 p. m. Saturday, Depember 10 Inaugurating Season

Parade, Christmas Songfest At Moobeau Park Are Planned for Evening

Seventy strings of multicolored lights will be turned on in the downtown streets of Hilo at 6 p. m. Saturday, December 10 to inaugurate the Christnfas shopping seaaon in Hilo, it was announeed todav bv Gordon H, Scruton, executfve secretary ōf the Hilo Chamber of Commerce. If plans work out, a paxade wiU be held in conjunction with the turning on of the lights. in ihe parade will be many popular Christmas figures including Santa «laus, the manger scene, the three wise men and other contributed acts. The parade will climax with a communicy Christm&s songfest atj Mooheau park. Besides the parade there will be & window dressing coritest among the stores, sponsored by the ehamber oi commerce. A grand prize of $10 will be awanled for the best wtndow dispiay and five other Pri«s of $5 eaeh to be given at the [discretion o£ Uie judges. The names

«i the judges wiii be annouriced i lat»r. j Roy C, Bhickshear. vice president' of the merchaiits' dlvlsion of the 1 chamber. has been named chair- j roan of the Chrtstmas pron\o?ion' campaign eohimUU*. He wūl aan»! his commtttee «iis week. ~~\ for the annual Christmas imwioUon C4mpaign vrere discuss- 1 *& *t the m<eeting 0 f the boerd of j counciiiors of the merchants* divi- j skm y©st«rday. Those atiendin§ the meeting were; Everett Holmes, pre-' si<ient; Roy Blacfcshear. vice presi-! <I*nt; John Resentes and Fred> ! Schoen. |