Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 29, 16 Nowemapa 1938 — Kamehameha Lodge to hold special meeting [ARTICLE]
Kamehameha Lodge to hold special meeting
j A special m?eting of. the members |«t Kamehameha Lcdge wUI be held ;5Kt thelr clubhouse at Keaukaha •Th«jsday evening. Important chftnges in the by-laws wHI be eonsidered with Henry Naliealua in charge of the discussion. Preceding the meeting will be a supper "served under the dlrection of James Puuohau. This will be the first of a series ōf super-meetings and thē members ar£ urged to eome at 6 o'eloek. Entertainment will be provided by the enterta(nment committee at the close of the meeting.
T0 DISCUSS PLANS — Hawaii Chapt. 1, OES, wffl hold sts stated meeting next Monday, November 21 |at 7:30 P. m. at the Masonic hall at [ whieh time the coming vislt of the I worthy grand matron of the OES will be discussed. The worthy grand matron ls expected in Hilo early in December. All members are urged to be present at the meeting. «ACK AT WORK Dr. Sam Glynn, ioeal dentist, is back at work after havlng been confined to the HUo Memorial hospital and to hīs home with a severe attack of flu, He started on his annual vacat!on two weeks ago during whieh time lio was taken ill. VISIT ON OAHU—Mrs. Vidar Waller, wife of Mr. Waller office manager of the Olaa Sugar Co. left on the Hualalai Sunday for Honolulu where she will remain fqr a few weeks to recuperate from her recent illness.