Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 28, 9 November 1938 — SAMOAN MOON Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT THE PALACE TUEATRE Tf>day, last tlme "HoW That wH h Jolm * Barrrmore and Mafj<>rie Wcavcr Tomorrow kV Give M«ai6aiii>r" witii M&rth&.i£aye aad Bob Frid*s only **Sons of the wllh L,vnne Overman atid K«jcs - Satun3ay on!y * "Uiwier the Big Top* with Anne aad Jack La Rue Sundaj" ami Moneia^ **Too Hot to Haailk?" with Mi*raa Loj »nd Ckrk Uabk TueStby anU Wi\iuead*y» next week , of the Moou w with I'at o*Brien and * i.va\issy, AT THS EMPIKI: TMEATKK i Today auti tonioj rovv *'Bon of the with vrith Kiulolph Valentisio ! Frklajf smd &itur\Ui.v 1 * wilU Ksequie! v |$e£OYi% lkii*vioc^ Sunoav on)\ I ' s M&a'* with $raith Bjdk>u «t>*l a D*w | "lH®fierv>us isccrets" wlth IYu! Luk«ii Mouda,\ oiil.v **lier «)un£}e L-nV* wuh * JLftataur aud iin,v Mil l-liuwi i Tu«?e**av onh "Tentente Ko*»rt<V* vrith I*neitn Go\eni *te*J Kv>g\ ik L» Ko*a