Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 28, 9 November 1938 — HILL, SILVA ELECTED BY WIDE MARGIN GOP Senatorial Candidates Are Elected By Overwhelming Vote Hill Polls 8469 Votes; Silva Receives 8128; Ryan Polls 4465 [ARTICLE]
GOP Senatorial Candidates Are Elected By Overwhelming Vote
Hill Polls 8469 Votes; Silva Receives 8128; Ryan Polls 4465
With an overwhelming • votei over their Democratic; rival, W. H, (Doc) Hill and Dr. ,Charles H. Silva, Republiean eandidates, were elected Bīg Island senators in the 1&38 general election held yesterday. Doc Hili kept up his good vvork in the-prim-aries and 8469 votes» while Silva surprised the ipublic by receiving 8128 j votesj His tolal In the primaries was 6830.
John Ryan. lone Democrat, whoj conducted a speechless campaign' during the primaries, returning to ti»s island shortly before the general eleelion to campaign, did not do so bad, receiving 4465 votes. He w&s exceptionally strong in his home district, including the Pahoa, Mt. View and Olaa boxes. As expected Silva was the high man in West Hawaii, being the on!y candidate from that side of the isiaiid. He polled 2906 votes there as againsc 2644 ior Hili and only 779 for Ryan. In East Hawaii, as expected, Hill led the race wīih 5825 votes wiiile Silva foilowed wiīh 5222 votes and Ryan, 3688. Hill polled the strongest vote in and ar<jund Hilo where he is. well-known. Botli Hill aiui Siha have served | previous terms in ihe senate and j are e.\pei ienced iegislaiors.