Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 28, 9 Nowemapa 1938 — MARTIN PENCE ELECTED NEW COUNTY ATT'Y Young Hilo Attorney Sweeps To Victory In Hard-Won Political Battle Incumbent W. H. Beers Replaced First Time In 29 Years Of Service [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Young Hilo Attorney Sweeps To Victory In Hard-Won Political Battle

Incumbent W. H. Beers Replaced First Time In 29 Years Of Service

Martin Penee, young Hilo attorney an d Democratic candidate, was elected eounty attorney for the county of Hawaii in a hard-won race whieh highlighted the 1938 general electicn, His final total \vas 7031 as against 6613 for the Republican incumbcnt, W. H. Beers. ! Pence*s victory marks the' first change in the county attornGys departmeut iu the last : 20 years, Beers having sevved aii througli tsie 29 years. I)emocrats claimed tliis was a distLuct honoi' to the young attorney who has becn practicing law on this island for onlv a few years. Althougli opposed four times in the past 29 year. Beers had always eome out victorious until now.

In the primaries Penee amassed «early 1000 more votcs than Beers ; whieh distinctly surprised tlie Big Island voters. However, in the general election it was thouglit by many tliat Beers wouid wiu sinee he was conducting an intensive campaign \vith the help of the entīre Repubiiean uariy. Penee helei his own throughout vesterday's race and in ihe end eame out 418 votes ahead cf his opponent. Penee \vas especialiy strong in tho Puna districts. Waiakea and along the line. in Honokaa. Laupahoehoe and Kalopa. The race was a close one in thc Hilo boxes although Piihonua gave a mueh biccer vot-e to Penee than to Bvav%. Pcncc's Easl , Hawaii total was 5339 wlule Beers' was 4336. In West Hawau. Beers' strcnghold. ihe Democratic camUdate got votes as against 221? for Beers. Howe\ er. in Pahala and Kahauloa ] Penee received a mueh higher vote than Beers. '