Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 27, 2 November 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters
AT TIIE PALACE THEATT3E Today. last t*rr>e , 4 *Valley of tlie Giantb" \vith Wayne Morris and *Claire Trevor Tomorrovv and Fridav lt Hoy Meets OiiP \vitli James Gagney and Pat O'Hnen i ! SatuixJay only "Four Da«gUteis" with the Tiaee Lane Sislert> and Glaude Kains .. . . ■ , , t ■ Sunday aiul iīonday , \vitli SpoiH*or Tr;vcy uud Mickoy Kot)iiey iVisday Wediiewday. n'e\t | week ;'lTold That <v o; 1 ." uith ,7ohn Barrymore and Marjorie Wcaver | AT TUti EMPIHE T'ĪEATRE Todai an<l tomortoxv 'Tiiue out Tor Murder" with Miehaei WluiK'n a)ul Gloiia.Stiurt
P A ritlav and Saturdav "The Gaiety wītlT*Talrioia Klli» •'Tsmpty llo]sU>rs" \vitli T>!ek Foraii Siinda.v and Monday [ "We're Going to be Rieh" with Graeie tlelds and Viotor MoL*glw r Toesday only "\Vhite Baniiers" \vith Glaude Ttains, Fay Bainter and .Taokf« Cooper