Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 ʻOkakopa 1938 — meeting Of Native Sons Is Advanced [ARTICLE]
meeting Of Native Sons Is Advanced
Th« Order ol Sons «nd l>außhters of Hawall, Cou»cil No. 5» has advauced its mmiug Zrvm Novembcr 3 to October 21 at T:3O p.m, iiE order lo Uke up particiiKitioii iu the Armistice day ct?lebradon aad to make plar.s (or thc «sstebr*tton of tke llili sary «ir tht> f«iuudias of the gr4er, iVt*sui,>nt Wiiliaa» H Cbuu oI Oounell S saitl ?odiiy. UCfiq?rs v >f hoth Ci>«ndls S aed t» «nrt tht> Hale MuS eoumUiee th«* <»fxter h**v {0 4>arl ,n ,lR> Armtslic« ««nkoi, !»«• | Nt'mlnatUmjf fur uffKo> tc» tn» HH«I f«»r ihe first term ia 193» *ilij l»*. 1 at ihe aiwllui j