Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — He haawina i kekahi poe [ARTICLE]
He haawina i kekahi poe
Alphabet: A E I O U II K I, M ; N P W Yowels: • a—as in adore. e—as iit left. i—-as in iift. o—as in old. u—as iu euhe. u | Sc«ue o£ the connnnly used words. oe—you. ; | OWftU—l, : H*>le —go. Hele mal—eome. ' E hele ana oe i hea?—Wliere are yougoing? inoa-4—name. Owai koū !no?—'V\Hiat is your name? Pehea oe? —How are you? maikai no. —quHe well. Ee hele kana i ka holoholo.— Le, us go for ā walk or let us go strolling. Kauka—Doctor. Mea ma'l—Patient. Hana—work.
Haawina Elua. ka-u-a—us, or we, for two Hele kaua—we go Na kaua—for us kakou—we, or us. Ifs for thrce or more. Na ka-kou—we. Na kakou e hana i ka hana — we. three must or do thc work. n«'ut—l. or for me or mine. Na'u kela bukc —That is booik. Na\i e kii aku—l will go and get it. Nau—you, or yours. or your Nau e ki—You go and ge{ it. Nau e lawe mai—You bring it. nau nohoi kena—it is yours. Nau kena puke—it is your book. Numbers akalii—one or onee Alu» or eiua—lwo or twice ekolu—three 11 eha -four elima-~five eono—six ohiku—seven ownlu oighl eiwa—iiim' vraii—ten umi-kumamakahi—e3evm umukumamalua—twelve u:n; - kumamakolu—lliu' leoii um! -kumainaha— fourteeu imU r kumamalima—fifteeu uini-kumamaono—sisteeu umi-kumauiaiiiku—seventeeu umi-kumamawalu—eighteeu umi -kumamaiwa—umeteeii īwakaiua ~twenty. *To be continued"