Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — All In Readiness For Fair Opening [ARTICLE]

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All In Readiness For Fair Opening

Everything is in readiness for tße g:rand opening of the fifth annual Hawaii County Fair whieh will take plaee this Thursday at 1 p. m. at the fair grounds 011 Kamehameha Ave., 'in conjuriction with the Elks-Femandez iee Garnival whieh is now underway. The fair will lastthrough

Saturday This year"s fair is important in that it will (leci(lo \vhether tlie Piiii Islaini. in the future, will make it a pemiaiiem ieature of tlie eommunity. just as tlie Maui County Fair has lieeome a permanent part of the Valley lsle. Althougli tliis isianil li;is had i'ive. iairs, off and ou, this is ihe £irst tinie that anv effort is beinji' plu forth to make it a pemianeiu pan of the eommunity activities foi the year. The entive conimunity is cooperating ;with the Hilo C'hamber of Commerce anri tlie FFA to make the fair a grand success. i Three lnrpe tents will lion.se the fair oii the Havies lot, while speicfal exhihits like llie Hawaiian arts |division will he ditfplayed at tlie ! Hilo Center Vmildinsr across the 'sfreet. Kenne! Ctufa Show The Bis Island Kennel club, ;which duiung the past years lias 'iel 1 a dog shuw under its own auspites, will hokl the dog show as part ot the fair this year. This will therefore be a new feuture of the county fair. Special emphasis is i>eing laid on the eane and plantātion division of the fair, sirice Hawaii is essentiall> ian agricultural country and sugar eane is the life of the country, A. T. Spalding, efficient manager of the Pepeekeo Sugar Co.. is chairman of this division and has an elaborate exhibit planned. Soil testing will be an interesOng part of this section, as well as insect estēflriination. The HSPA will eooperate in sponsoring this divisioyt \

A new īeature will t>e the le6turcs 'on eane wliieli will be given three separate hours durmg the day anā evening ttiroughout the three days of thc fair. Various parts of the eane diigsion will be explalncd bv men wh<jfeally know all abo«t eane cultivntion and plantation wcrk. Fruit, Vegetable Sectlons

Also being s tressed are the fruit and vegetable divisions, Truck farming is fast becoming an important induislry on the Big Isiand, especially in the Volcano and Waimea districts \vi:ere the elimaie is suitable for this form of farming. Dr. Milion Riee, chalrman cf the vegetable §eetion, ana meinbers of his committee lmvē made several trips to these dīstricts to encourage the farmers to exhibii their produets.

| Poultry is ftiK>ther important fttiture oX the iair, aad between 235 and 240 ehioken eoops and «re beūig prepared lor tlus sectiou Harve>' Vollralh, couiHy este6sion agent for Ea»t Hawaii, is iii charge Qi this <Uvision.

Cooking and household arts will ! interest the women folk, for what woman is not interested in what is | going on everyday ih the kitehen of her friends? They will be able to up new inethodi; of cooking or wwing, for everyday sotueone is diicovering new recipes or new ptitM: -- Pc!rT i li.'i» of 4t iis dh is!on hl? prci>;u\x! a kvut ik>t io cr ilu- uUiie iiela,

of «?ooking and household arts. Potted plant« will be in the hasids of T. R. Saiki. who is eh.* •*i«an of the HUo park eommi&aion and kiK>ws «13 abom trees tmd plants Japajiese dwarled phuilī, will be the highlight of thb seetion. Howe\er. other of poltrd p5;Uit.N will be acci?pted and d»>i>!K>rd. The Haw-Hhnn srts wiU be untler thr of Mrf> Hcnij lj#i Hiw. «ho Hawahsn art* Mi'v !,*i Hipp i* p<j«onsil!v r-ontacltnr all kamaama;* Hflng tn ttw wmtry diMncx:- of t!io' 'fthr I*l»nd !o exhiMt thrsr \ !i:usblr 1 ! HR*iaitftn antKitte- īn t ::',Uha- ] ! !« qniil?s krtd lcr!i I

Mrtitary |>a<uvr>, AU t«U»rl>- Wm ftatuJC cf lhr XaU wUI t.H ihv ni'.UWui i jkhibit? j*hU,hM.-\i A l~> I aul ul vlic Kilauea M'iiW;,. » <MluuUd ūi ;i,t U»*nr> NaUwua.;

park, will superintend. Army men will be present at the fair to explain the various mechanics of the military exhibits, ,

Over 50 commercial booths for tlie fair have been sold by the committee on booths and concessions headed by Herbert Filler.

There will be booths by the Tuberculosis Society of Hawaii and Puumaile Home.

The faōr committee also is seeing to the transportation of the cxhibit& from all sections or the lsland to Hiio, and also the trausportation of school children to and fvom tlie fair.

Heading the fair committee are: P. C. Beamer, ehaieman; R. M. Lindsay, director; Gordon H Scruton, secretary; and Ihe following division cliairmen: James eowan, fruits; Dr. Milton Rice. vegetables; T. R. Saiki, pott«d plants; Mrs. Peter Janzen, cooklng and househo!d arts; Clarence Andradē, construction; Harvey Vollratli, poultry; Herbert Piller, booths and concessions; Harold Luscomb. lighting; Maj, A. E. Bi!ling. armv; Mrs. Henry Lai Hipp, Hawaiian arts; X>eputy Shcriff Peter Pakele, poliee exhibit; Big Isiand Kennel club, dog show. H. C. Walt<ers is cashier of the faīr, while P. H. Bayly will be in charge of admissions.