Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — W. Chun To Head Relief Committee [ARTICLE]

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W. Chun To Head Relief Committee

Mr, Williwn H. Chun h»s bt*en »ppoii3ted bv the Tt-rriluiiai Cummitloo f<ii rh ; n,i R t .| K f īo ,bc Ukorganizatson s Ch«inm»i fos ihe U>& lsland. Re\. T. M, TuUuudsv will assist Mr. Chun eo-ehmnuan. Thi> Terntorial C(jmmutev h<;*ded b> Bi.shup S. Hanuiaion Lniei is part of s Nalional elion tu orgainzc ai! Christīan bodics in Amenea for sislance in the Chuu RtUvf fTām Natio»«3 ufficci.s m Uus v.id* -pro*rt , IU . Mi. lUi", per Sib!py, totnw;r piw&iUeiil uf lUI Unitcd Smte> CharnlK'i uf Cumn\*rcv, M,. j u hn H Mou. »urM, leadet (n OhuMi af/airs, a- Vioc-; Ch«lrman, au4 &, tjj '

\h* rtdcui r.i,!n ; u r TNNMiijrt*r. Ttte punwM' <fi it«1* !o ronsolM.i»r all !.pp tll i s b v prtfepnt«Hl t«> tho ehuulwh t .n U-h*U. ft? Chifit*iMr nv.hmn n-lul Ttiicmti «tls cpr,?r4l thv ihuuho' the Ssland t uf thc Tcrs'4v>tj, aud. «»f rniln.i VuVl ,-aalui 10-' ««fth#r in .->f thc lu' thr Chih<*sv iHMpk' st th.E liine of, tf*»t a;>, «•*«► «Tt() war, |

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