Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — News From Kona [ARTICLE]

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News From Kona

KAILUA, Oct. 15, 1938,—Mrs. Eva Kahauolopua and Mrs. Lizzie Pua spent Saturday night in Kona, as guests of Mrs. K. Kumuhone of Kailua, returning tq Hilo on Sunday. With the two new automatic phonographs, as we eall it, the people of Kaiiua, seem to have a new amusement, for the older pet>p]e sit and ehat while the younger people, start street dancing, This amusement, sort, of takes the plaee of polilic£ at present.

A charming ,bare-fpo|ed lass slipped quietly into Hilo, on Frlday morning. from the noted Kona distriet returning to her home on Saturday. Accompanied by her broiher and slster; Charlotte Bohling, popular grand-daughtcr of Mrs. Bohling who not only is a singer and dancer, but a fast and professional weaver. She also is a talented musieian and writer.

On a eombined buslness trip, Charlotte was guest of Major and Mrs. Albert E, Bil]ings of the Ki!auea Military Camp, and later eontlnued to Hilo, where she was house-guests of Mr. and Mrs. SoloRK>n Lalakea of Keaukaha.

Charlotte is also accfaimed by mainlanders as haviug the most iraeeful hands and iu' iu Kuia, as mostly is seen Miigutg. dancing «r diinng at the Kona lnn bare footed, and wi;th a glovv;iig pin|y hibiscu!? in her hair. Aloha, Hanu Mea Hou