Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 26, 26 October 1938 — Articles Made At Puumaile Home To Be Seen At Fair [ARTICLE]
Articles Made At Puumaile Home To Be Seen At Fair
I People vislting the various booths 'at the Hawaii Coumy Pair will be I partieularly interested in ihe dis- | »lay of the oeeupeiional therapy |department of Puumaile Home. fltems are shown whieh patlents phave made. *niese items are so!d and ihelp the patient to becom« partiaHv or entirely self-supporting when i they leave the sanatorium. i Irt one monih one patient earned ever $40, sewn patients earned between $15 anā $40, six paUer.ls eamed $5 tb $15. and eight j»tients S1 to $5. The value of the 'art!eles spM in one monUi at Puullaaile has amounted to as mueh as \ts». ; ~Adequate rehah!3itation of the tuI bercuk)sis*{«tient saves the taxptQ"er : mcney botli because it iieepa jpeo,ple 1 ;froni the relkf roils, aai a4so be- ' cause it gives thc pauen: iāc4 |of work he ean do his $ettiixg sick the second Ume au4 havLng ;o returu to ihe lor a second or Uiird ~tre<a, , u\cnt. Purse&. biiskrts, cigsret toys, arc «jn9«£ Oie jw:.ucle§ ea disglay.