Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 25, 19 October 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters
AT THE PALAOE TItHjATRE ToUaj , last time • , Gateway' vvLtUj|tK)n Anieelie i and Arleei> WheU\n i Ton>orrow and Fridav "Alexand<?r's Ragtime Band" with Tryone Powor, Aliee Faye and lk>n Ameehe Salnrd;fc on!v "Hortlfr O-Men" witb Georjre O'Hnen "Blockhwids" wlthStan La\irel OHwrHardy and ratrk Ki EUis Siitkl,it Mond;iy "Thw Ix>vesHad Xant\v" wltl> ! fJayftor and Robrrt >Tonli (Mim I Tnesday and Vrednesday, ncxt "▼wool; | "Affairs. of AunalK»!" vith jjackOafcie and L\unl>c l*all
AT TII£ EMPIKK THEA,TRK T<xiay antl tonK>rrow •*Tii« Lady Ob.jeeti>" wijli Stuart awl Lannv Koe* #rkJ*y «iim! Saturday "T*ong l)enioino"' FiHpino p#cture StiTKiay onlv
t4 CSoW I>ltīgers Pads" wlth Rwriv Vnl!ee am! Bcisemary Lane only "TroopshiV wilh LesHe Banks Twsaday only "11® Loved An Actr®ss" wlth Lope Yelei the Bockie"s willi Toai Keene