Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 25, 19 ʻOkakopa 1938 — FILIPINOS PLAN BIG CELEBRATION Commonwealth Day to Be Ohserved By Big Island Filipinos November 15 [ARTICLE]
Commonwealth Day to Be Ohserved By Big Island Filipinos November 15
| o£fieers to hoad tlie Fi]iphio |Coij[i»unHy ot the Btg Island in itli« coiuiug Cymoi<mwealth Dav jcelebrat!on on November 15 were <-hop(?n at a aeeting helel 011 Snn]day afteraooii, Octobej* 16, at tho i Burus buil<liQg. The mee<iug was (prfsided orer by Hetman Sensano. ! The follo-vving Avore oleeleil: Lafita, president; .Marii auu U. Gorospe, vice presideut; !t'iriaco Oameilo, secretary; Teofi|!o Seguere, treasurer; and Piego 'R?rmc>s, auditor. The heads ot the • ilirfereut Fllipino orgamzations iu Hilo aud viciuity wiii be U> serve 011 the boar<! advisers. The tentat>ve hea4s ot the va rtmis eammfttees ure a§ Ūollowa: Marhuu> R. Corogp« 4 linanee; CtHaeo Camtllp, progratn; Goa:alo Manit>og. parad4: Zoiio and Bennv
Uesmpi, sports; Andres Baclig and Mamerto Raguindin, mu^ie; Riehard Adap. invitation: Pather \ v %
jm*r»hab sltall be Mike Dermudez » Oe'AKln Oi'MwWn , 1 ..1 r. I - wi'-ulnl iii tend wIH be h«ld on »v«»ninfi o<-tober 1», nt <! s t |thc Hurna b«ildin«.