Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 25, 19 October 1938 — We'd Like To Hear From All Of Them [ARTICLE]
We'd Like To Hear From All Of Them
This week the publishers of Ka Hoku O Hawaii are again sending out statements to all subscribers who are in arrears for their paper,
and \ve hope that there will be a prompt response.
.Many of our readers do not seem to realize that we are charging them $3 a yeaiv UNLESS THE SUBSCRIPTION IS PArD ' AĪDVANCE. I£ prompt i>ayment is made the price will be only $2 a year, theroby saving $1. Many seem to have overlooked this and will' find I that if they wait until the end oi the I year they will have to pay the extra 1 I do!lar. There is no profit whatever in publishing this paper at $2 a"year but if subscriptions are paid promptly we ean manage to get by. Tf we are conipelled to wait until the year has expired we will be obliged to eolleel thc extra dollar to cover extra costs of collecting.
Pay promptly and save a dollar, and at the same time save worry for th publishers. If you are in arrears you will receive a statement \vithm the week. Please give it your pr9n IJLJI .. L tention.