Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 24, 12 October 1938 — CZECHS MOVE FRESH TROOPS TO BORDER AREA Prepared to Meet Any Possible Military Action On Party of Hungary [ARTICLE]
Prepared to Meet Any Possible Military Action On Party of Hungary
LONDON, Oct. 11—A Reuters' Prayue dispatoh today said croachments 011 Czechoslovakia by the German army of occiipation were reported on several parts of j 4he new frontier. The dispatch said a state of emergency was declared on the Hungarian frontier at Euthenia where a number of lhcidettts were reported. The dispatch said tAat near Berchevo, 40 Hungarians attacked the railway station, killing the train guard and woundīng a passenger. By LARRY ALLEN KOMAHON; Oct. 11 (/n-Thc Czech goverriment today moved fresh trdops lnto border areas ready to meet any possible military action by Hungarv tc take territory she wants from Slovakia.
Hungarian flags decorates homc> and bus!ness houses along the Danube in Slovakia as a weleome to what the eitizens expected wou!d be an invasion from the Hungary sido.
A Czech officer, stationed at a border town. declared that the Czechs wanted tc fight to prevent further dismehberment, and the officers have an extremely difficult task to prevent open hostiīities. "Our men are desperate and broken hearted. The world should have permltted us to fighthe declared.
PRAGUE, Oct. 11 </P)—Hunearian troops completed symbolic oeeupatlons of two Czech border towns, IpoJysag and Satoraljaujhely tcday. pendlrig settlement of Hungary ; territorial and minority demands. — — ~ =