Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 19, 7 September 1938 — GROUP ENJOYS MONDAY PICNIC Adult Committees In Charge of Recent HRC Circus Enjoy Outing [ARTICLE]
Adult Committees In Charge of Recent HRC Circus Enjoy Outing
iAdult eommittees ln charge of the recent Hilo Center Communily cirjcus were entertained at a pknie j l«st evening at the Boy Seout eamp ! under the direction of Mr. and Mrs ] Ernest a. Lalley and Mr. and Mrs. | Van L. Hixson. With Mr. Lilley as ,chief eook, a hamburger supper was served. Toma Tasaki and John Beul?cma took charge of the evenlng's program whieh consisted of singing, games and movies. Mr. Hixson showed some spl«idid movies. Committee members and their guests present were: Messrs. and ] Mesdames Henry Lai Hipp, Edwm\l j Pu}ita, George Lucas, Emest Li!ioy, J. O. Wonder. John Beukema, Clark Gilleland, Ktiicho Chung. RobcrtBaldwtn, Edwarcl Budtn. J. B. Dixon, Van Hlxson, John Kimi; Mesctamos ConsUnce Jaspar, Coito, lsabel Se»sao, Yukino N. Tsussakl; Misses Ann Wetmore, Mew Soong Chock. Teruko Mfeusakl, Fdith Murakosht, Shißeko Shiralshi, Mabel and Plora i Ahuna, Dorls Chandler, Hazel Coito; Messrs. Harunobu Omori, Richard Tong. Steplien iwtd Authony īīui Kwan, Verden JSim, Mnn.gn Kagimoto, Pred McConn, Ch»rlos S Ota, Yoshio Yan«R«wa Toma Tītmasa NfO(»mura and Mr "Ch!cjig<»" «akl. Hideo Noda, Joe Arr\nlft, Ak#——»i. -i' ■ —'——■ "• Member» of the South Afrtcan «ome» k & U?imis tenm in ui gngland j oai n<r-; IX-i-iiuld Diuk Unir * i