Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 19, 7 Kepakemapa 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters
AT THE PALACE THEATRE , Tod«y Jast time a Wonderful Time'* wiih Ginger Rogers Tomorrow and FrHav %t Tiopic Ho]i(!ay : ' with Doroth,y Xamour aiul Ra,y Millaikl Satui'day only 'LOve Finds Au<ly Har\ly" with Miokey Kooney BundAo and Monda,T ■ Miss Broadwaj'* with Sbirl#j r Tenjpl»? Tuesday aad Wednest!a,j % next week **Penrod's Double Troublo'*| with Bi!ly & Bob!>y Maueh ] at thk kmi'ikk tukatrk! T«iay tnd tomorrow "Pr»Rrtn Break" with Gl«mht Farrel! and Bartou MaeLano j Kridv &ud Saluraa> j **Ag K*lisud'' with a c»st of Fili|>ino j>l«.vers } Sunday atid Monday <4 Hi|fhway Patro!" with Ko!ht Pa«je and Jaequelinc WelU. 4t Heekless R»nger w with Byh Alku j i uewiaj|- onl.v j I "ihintref on tbe Air" with* !ī*rm*ld Wwd« and Nan C!rt',v' " 4 Mystery Hooded Horat;.j tuct M with T<x Kitter • 1