Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 40, 9 February 1938 — Mrs. Richardson On Visit To Hilo [ARTICLE]

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Mrs. Richardson On Visit To Hilo

Mrs. Julius Richardson of Honolulu arrived on the piane yesterday to spend several weeks with her , husl3and's lamili', Mr. and Mrs. , George Richardson of Keaukaha. She wili visit in the Voi<;ano district tomorrow and will motor oul to the Honokaa district Sundai'. The Honoiuiu visitor wiU be houored luneheon Thurs4&i' noon Uie Hiio Yacht club whieh wili be given by her motixer ip. law. The ioung Mrs. Riciwdson is the lormer Eioes 01und of Honoiuiu aud is the bride q£ Julius "Booley" Richardsou, ti>ird and youn«est spn of Uie Qeorse Rich&rdsons.