Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 40, 9 Pepeluali 1938 — JAPAN STAGES HANKOW RAID, SEVEN KILLED Attack Made In Retaliation of Chinese Bombing of Japanese Positions [ARTICLE]
Attack Made In Retaliation of Chinese Bombing of Japanese Positions
HANKOW, Feb. 8—Seventeen Japanese bombers raided the Hankow area today and seven persons were killed, but material damage was slight. One of the attacking planes was shot down.
Several Japanese planes flew over the French concession, but French authorities took no action.
The attack apparently was in retaliation for yesterday's disastrous bombing of Japanese positions on the Hwai river by China's foreign aviation legion.
SHANGHAI, Feb. 8 (AP)—The Japanese coordinated in drives in new battle areas today in an attempt to end resistance of China's main armies on the Lunghai railway. The attacks threatened main communications between some 400,000 Chinese fighting to prevent the Japanese from capturing Suchow and bases near the heart of China. They aimed from the southeast and the northwest toward Kweiten and according to Japanese dispatches threatened to compel the Chinese to retreat westward along Lunghai. The main Japanese forces apparently were stalled along the Hwai river, although the Japanese claimed 7,000 Chinese were killed on that front in eight days.