Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 39, 2 Pepeluali 1938 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters
AT Tft» PALAOE THKATBffi , Ty<W Vfc time 'l'l] Take liioiiiunee ' j with Grace Moore, I Melvyn DojiiglHH an<l Holen West*C.V. ! Tomorro|w an<l E rlday "īhank .Viuu,jir. Molo' 1 witti i'oiei- Lorre Thuuuttb Jbeck and Pauline FrQclerick. B«ttmfay on!y '\She Married &fi with John Boles &nd Lyli Deste, Sunday «id Monday 4t Nothing Sacr4d° w{th Fredrie March and CaroTe Lombard. Tuesday and Wednesday, next week 4 'Se/cond Honeyuioon" with ¥srone Vtiwer and Lorefta Young.
lAT THE f:MPIBE THEATKE |. Today and tomorrow t4 She Asked For It" with WiHiam GarJT«n *od Orien Heyward. * TOd*y and Satnr3ay "Federal fe«nets*' wit"h Terry Walker Joncs Family In Jsorrowinif jTrouble" with Jeū Prouty and Sprinff Byington. Sunday and !Mon<Jay ' 1 VVestbound Mail ,v wiik Patrie Starrett and Rowtlind Keith. "Expensive HusbaiK]v M with Patric Knowles uxid Beverly Koberts. loesday obly "AIl Americ&n Sweethe»>rt , ' with Patricia Farr. ,4 California Straight Ahead M John Wayne.