Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 39, 2 February 1938 — Final Request To Our Subscribers [ARTICLE]

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Final Request To Our Subscribers

This week we hav« mailed bills out to subsrribors of Ka Hoku 0 Hawaii who arc still bohinrl with thcir subscriptioii monoy Sinco

last week quite a nurttbor of af!ditional rfwlors havo sont in thrir monoy but tbero aro stilī j)lonty who havc not rc<?pon(]od. We havo gone to considerablo exj>cn?e to =oml out thosc bills and we hope tho.se who receive thcin will givo thotn i>romi>t attention. It is our hoi>e to bring our subscription list up to date, and koop it that way, as thut is tho on!y. way to run a nowspanor suocossfull.y. The sniall subsoription of $2 a yoar floos not pay tho cost of printin# but it h«lps out a lot. Ka Hoku O Hawaii is now thc only H.i'waiian lan£uage nowspapt i r in the worltl an<l we want to kcc[) it alivo. It do'3S hot pay any profit to its pnblishcrs but with thc kokua of its suboribcrs has been able to moct iN exponsos during thc past t.wo yoars. Pleaao mail vour puymont in as soon as possiblc, to KA HOKU O HAWAII Box lOoi Hilo, Hawaii