Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 49, 21 April 1937 — FIRST HEARINGS ON SAKAKIHARA Charges of Misconduct Aired In Lengthy Detail During First Hearings CROWDS PACK GALLERY Big Island Legislator Not Represented By Attorney Or Friends At Session [ARTICLE]

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Charges of Misconduct Aired In Lengthy Detail During First Hearings


Big Island Legislator Not Represented By Attorney Or Friends At Session

HONOLULU, April 20 {Speeial)—Charges cf misconduct against R. n. Thomas T. Sakakihara of Hilo as chairman of the house lands committee were aired in lengthy detail by of witnesses who testifircl under oath at the -ir3t; or a serie> of hearings jefore a special house eomiiiiUee last night. If the c.rowd wliieh paekeei the gallery of the holl of rj>i>r«sentntives hiul e.x;)ecti.>d a ,disi)hty | oi' verbal tir»Kaik<. am! tilts be- | t%veen eounsei f o r Big logis!ator and comnnttee mcmbct's, thpy \vere disaj>ik!inted. | For rt;i!;;ikth;tr;t was rcprcsented neithor by attoruoy nor friends, nor did lie arise from his bed at the J;ipanese hospital tDrappear in person.

Witr>esses Examined ith Ilep. Rr-lnh E. \Voolley. Oahu, ehainaan of spccūil I eommiliee l ; i)2eshling, aiul AUcrney ōenei al Samnol 13. Kemy cxaiiuniug the wiih r.o\v uad then quest;oiKs by vanous, taembcrs of tlie eoiuniittt-e, tht'_.U J stimony iollowed, for tke uiost Jt>ai i, the statemenis co:itained in Speaker lioy ,A. V}tousek's preseuiaiion of thc ''charges. aud m the ,;;f£iiLivit c£ ! Miss lia?.ue Oī:i. clerk of the luud? eomuūiu'e.

It, w;is ciKtrgtHl» fu-st, UKii Mr. Sakajvihar:\ havi fulgeb- cerU2it?<L to a elaiiu agaiust lae ten itory wkieli he knew to be uad> ■ s>eco«d. that: Ue tqok 50 per cect af ihe $10 iw <iay salary of Miss Ot i a:ul

it for his i>erson&i bettcf;t, afher he \vas payir £ -: H lo anoilu i" pe:siOīi foi <,oni«linw work for him, Kmirv!y uew. lwnvever. insofar «s thc puWie was eonemwni. wa? . te*m»oJiy srivon by Ben Tash.ūx». ;t«rmor member of the house aiui I now eleil? of the acc<wnts eoiamH | I ! Brother-i»v-Law !nvotvtd | It deaīt vith Xlr. S»lcakih«v.iV i hwrtN--r in ?aw to whom. !t h t--i ha*l dono sonw wotK inr Mr <Uirhvc tlu- t*iv ■wp-n* *tv&tan, Si*"»S:\r p(wū>tlMy Mr. Sakafci»Mra h««! t«*M him ««nt bHnf:' f f;\TT!fty ?n b?»fore. b»i that ttis> v .** mU. h 1 ? in i«nlns wof% fin- h>m"" M;. tha! bo {-.. n> oti :uv! ' \ * e'vr v »-~ -

)>rr:c: t!-,f per oe:it hvr <s!: ,v y ' t«vo!v#s m L.\'-a ■ īlo s v..* r,-, \«<?\ 1f..«.« [e'wn {.■! h?n*, b\ Mi". SA*;:;V:hn i t l <x>. «r,vi V* T\iv..I«.S !U"ttrt t?u: T: s * : r.. tv* t\<īw : u c\\ V.- T.-s.-'.::ta s-si-5 u'.;<*» r>~ ¥> ' V hAil »sains l t\ v «-¥isnSn'j w«>rk !»>r Mi*. S&3;o:UWi -. r\ s*v-.,u-no«- ;- :.t U ei-1 ';vv m I fcM rwt «rt»!»tl\ ***« • . >. > <■»«...:v *t .iv .

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