Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 49, 21 April 1937 — Professors Astonished By 28 Months Old Baby [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Professors Astonished By 28 Months Old Baby
rERRE, Mo., April 20 —M -try Ciivisii!ic 20 nionthG oid uiiel a o 6111411 she aotomshed profesijors of University., perched ea Uie b.ick oi a sofa in.feer. parents' hqme aivd saiig a scng of" her own ' eonipoiilion. Her facc cxtvrmely grave, she sa:ig in a hiāh Laby soprano:
O pretty little doves, Little' doves, 'liUle doves, O pretty little doves, Flying in the air. Then, prompted by her mother. she pursed her lips without self| tonscLousaess, and Rosary j ar.d Take Me Out The Ball | Gamp. } Tntellectually, Mary is the most; remorkrble baby i:i the ewenene?• cf Dr. John P. Nafe, head of ib n \ dep:irtnie;it oi the i:njversiiy who conducied tests accord- { i"g to various .v,'slems. Siie eame' through them \vith a rfiting high above that whieh indfcaīe genius. | Tliey reveal that she liad a vocabul- | ary cf 3.600 words, that she pro-1 rounoed mulliple svllable words; with no trouble, th?,t sh; un*d free-1 !:• se-.ilences of 13 and 1> \\ovds and | 5-e\e:-il cU.use'3. that shr h;-,d a ?ūcd | vc.rking knowledse of f.vamraav, i Sentei»ccs Complote liie ccrrespondent- fou:id Mary on ( ila> tiaor piayiug \s Uh her «.oys j dolls. She iecciv«.>d liim | !:rveiously withoi.;' any him of th<'! bnby timidity. A tiny mile | with large, meditative cyes. she spoi; c slowly, scleeting eaeh wcrcl w.ili care. Her sonienees were even anel eompleie. Bhe . i .ud her f..vo: :te r.ievie s" r,r! w-." 5 S!-.niey Tt"mplc but th\t she (Continued on Pa .• 3 > l:ad ncver seen her eh the fcivcn | Her mcther expi.Uned :U ;vt she k* pt j Mary away fro:n cro\vd:- anti, henee, I hlie l>ud been to a but onee *' T «W : p.s iaiul it lo u p;> v turo cf ;he A:v«t \<\ey ou;--M,uy said s=h* hked bo«vfcs \cry n:i;'.-n and dtJ-;iloyeu hor lihr„u\v rn.ūnly wn;i-". !;r ch:l(i:v;\ t. n\r aud >.x aud en < , h- ' i,;kx ;'UbJ?cUv She Kk.u :hc n th- b.fe:c, uun l .\.- * i u? th" r e.a i e ■ io r;v,*a r |VieU!t«' Jvi<| \! , • i liks him al >hc vaiy j\ot, M \ry * "rcr«tise" U\e lv 'he betr«j«l acvus "- Mar3,"ss t*lhcr i» U«m:co T. T>tir."! an *mv*ir>v Hfe lnc«i\c ;> aK-\o :acrcvr »Ml tl«" Dunn i* w?" .ur;4sh«4, ;uh.uu'*.l & uel Hv IMe&inn U* Slv".r .r >«: :o;i> H,tr\ ii.-iN : i\i s\skjo<t^ <v« :t eowti\.vt>rv«> wiWr 'V |v.,i_e s>? :* M'lu<. »'-4V v M v f= % ¥tfera ¥*t| ' i'i v »| %!UViyRLi Ji»- f? **n . I«|4 U*t«w !.-!> i«. u* m #? L| ( x\f • I Q * o ' i Tt<u4u»vs M vw W
contacted Ihe fa;nily c.gain last week ai;d wenL to their hoine a:id Mary pa:rf :I mueh h'irder tests. He took his assistant, pr. Wimiifr«feK. ] Magdoick i :id his su- | pericr's They used the SLu:ford-Binet and McrriU & , Palmer iests. | Mrs. Dunn* said that she and her ' ' hr,sband realizi'd the responsibility • involved i:i reaviin: - chlld of Mar3.''s \ s:°e she. w;puijj not eiurr ■ M;vy "jn kindergarten now. ; t!vuih D.. Naie said she was quite | cc;t ;:i ;,) ii. Sh c will not go to p-ehool u:U:l.she is at least four and ; w HI not push?d in aiw waj\