Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 49, 21 ʻApelila 1937 — COMING ATRRACTIONS AT HILO THEATERS [ARTICLE]
AT THE PALAOK TTII:ATKE Tosla.v tor thc l:\tt Victor MacLrtfflon in Nanc'y Strolo Is| Misstng*\ Tomorro\v :ind Fri(la.v , a doub!e program. Paul lvol!y-Ar-, Kne Jti'lge in ' Herc Comc's Trou.' blō"', and Ann Dvora -Toon Litelj in-"Miilnight Court." Saturday 'oiil.y! (iloria Stuart in. I>B llcnrs Tō kili" . Sunda,v *aivl Moi day. i 'Bjng (_'rosby-Martlv.\ l{:i.w-Bob Burns in WV i-ikiki WctMirfr." j jTucs<la.\ aml Woknesiluy, i Martini-Lco Carrillo in. * The Ga.v I)cspca.clo." ■ AT TliE LMPIIiE THEVIKE To<lay nn«l tomorro\v. Jack Ho!t 'ir», "Enil of the Trail", tofrcther !\vith another chapter of the seria!, |
*'Koar!nfr AVcs:\ tlav an*l Sat-' ur(lap a <iouble ]iroj;rain, Jnmes Gleason Za/.n Pit.ts in, Tip", ■ eml K n Tin Tin 4r in and : Cro\vn*\ Suiulay iand Monday anoīhea (lonMe program \vith Bcv-, erly Kohe. ts Jin. "tIot ; Money", > niul (īeorjre ()'Brien .īn, Ihe ■. BorJer Patroli»an ,: . Tuv-nay on-! lv a »Unible psofrram, Kaloh Brllu-j my-Marian Marsh in, "The Man j Who Live.l Twiee v , aml 'Kin Tin Tin Jrin. 4 'Sknll anil Cvown".