Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 49, 21 April 1937 — TRIBUTE TO Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole [ARTICLE]
TRIBUTE TO Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole
Otifi<-;r personal f ri<'ri<ls wh.o woi'e also closc t.o hi.in wei'e John Lane, i'omiei* Mnyor of 11,0-nolulu, nolulu, aiul'Link Holst<'in. form< i' BjK'akor of tlic Hous<\ Tln'.v :ilso ca;nimigncfl clectiijn :iftcr c!cction with hini. In fact, th<'sc t\vo, togcther with niy fathcr,. eompnwl what was tcnnc<l "Knhio'K Ci}tinct*'. I tiavc hcrc a picturc of this ■ group taken soiuc .twcn t y-f-i vc years ug" >• Othcrs of his )>crsonal frienck worc Ju<lgc A. G. ,'W. Rcbcrtson. AJ Ostle, Sonator William Wclncrn.v anel his brothcr, Jim, Doctor Chris o*D{ty, John A\'isc, thc latc Benator l\obert W Shinj?le, Senator Hi>rry A. Br.klwin, Ohiof J'.'.sticc Jan»osL. Coke, Scnator Charles Kiee, Harold Ricc, Lloyd Conkling, Sn*ii Woods and his brothcrs, Frantv and Pahncr, Eben Low, James llolt, Wiīliani | Becrs, Samncl Spcnccr am! manyj others He also gathcr<-d around hi:u many of his own rac<> and or<ranizod theiu into Hawaiian socictics, Tbe'Orc!er of Kamehaineha, of whieh he ws.s thc suprcn;e hoad, and the Hawaiian Civic Ciub. ofj wnleh h(ī was one cf the foundcrs.! wcre two such organizations whieh} have beon and still ars activc in ' thc affairs of this Territory. Fc, a!so hclp?d tocstablisn thc Chicfs of Hfewaii, an organization eom.; posed of Hawaiians and kainaaina haoles, who s e purposc it was to I keep alive thc traditions. s~ngs, ! meles and custoins of Hawaii nei. J As this organi/ation cx pan d ed, distinguished pcrsons froin a!l ovcr j the world, including Govcrnors of j Stat.es, mombers of Congrcss and ; •other distinguishcd nien of affnirs j were admitt e d to niicnibcrship. j His friends, congressional, politic- | al, personal and fratt>rnal. lovcd | and revcrotl hiin bccausc of his; kind)y anel siiv.H*re regard for an<l lo.yiilt,v to thcin. Staiiconc ha;s; gaid that a nian is judgcd by his friends and if we apply this to Kuhio, thcn we tnust admit that ho was indccd u nian aniong men. He was a lovcr of spor t s. lu his ,younger days he wus un out standing ath!ctc Hc wns usprinter, an oarsnvin. a finc halfback, a yachtsnii)n, a splendid shot :in<l a <lcvotcc of the national pa<tiui Many wcro thc <lays wheii ho and I have pone to (iriffiths Park in Washington whcrc thc Amcri< :m Lc;»guc ganu\s arc playcd- 110 was m ardcnt fishcrman, a spor wh|ct he sharcd in eoniiīion with ray fathcr, for together thcy fished along thc Kona <*oast 011 innuin-
e."ah)e ocensions 1 havo horo scvonU snapshots of fishin|f sornos of him, m.v fathor antl my fathor-in-l«w, «īanio* Ho)t, trtkon in 10<*l :\t Ku)ihoo Pahu'o, hi* sutuuuM' hoino at Raihu\ Jt is n<nv o\vno«1 an«) malnlainml hy tho I>autfhtors of Hawaii Ho \v:is nUo foni'J of golf *n«l v>mm) tc \vith -»onio of his o\■nonn , uo!i o\,'r tht> Oh<»v) Chnso oour<o in Wn<h iofton iuv<i witlv frioi )i«-ro at homo on tho (>«hu Country Ohih )inks, As in othor niattoi>,. ho in *j> mK !nt« 4 U'>o1 t \ «n--thtt*kstni>, )i <n»orNnuin ) o<m*i«lorato of !u- oj»i>onrr.t-\
1 ile Wiis» īnan of inn:Lt<' dignit.v | You saw it in thc s?t of hissh-ul-|dcrs, in his 'walk, in his mien and j <lcmcaī!or. It, wr.s as though he j werc to ' t.hc manner !;orn. ■llc i was thc iK'rs<mification of eourtcsy i and he ncvcr kno\ving]y liurt thc {fcclings of otlicrs. He was quicki jto make aiucnds when he lcarnc<li |that ho had caused cmbarras>nicut ] l to aiVy one. IJc wns couragcou;s j i fcarlcss jji thc causc of right whieh I Jhc demonstratcd Lime and again throughout his p<.;litical caroor. Thc Princc dicd on Jānuāry 7, 1922, at Pualewani, his home at. Waikiki, now the sits of Kuhioj Park At his bcdsidc in the dawn I jofthat fatcful day thc Princcss| jand scvcral of his closcst friendsj : kcpt vigil with him as he, fcr th<:] ' last tiiiK\ lookcd out upon thc j j land that he ]ovcd and. whieh he j bad so worthi!y i'ci)rcscntc<l in he i Anierican Congrcss, and when his; spirit took its flight, thcr<; passe<l 1 from Hn\v:iii tlicl:ist titular princ? of his lin<\ Hi>- funcral w- J s pcr-| haps thc last royal funcral tKit' will evcr bc helil in Pawaii. Hc was buried w;th a!l thc pomp a:ul' pagoantry of ancicnt Hawaiia'n r yaity Officials of our own and ! foreign govcrnmcnts wero prcscnt' iii thcir <)fficial capucitics aiid| t'irongs ol' fricnds of all national-1 itios eauu t) p;iy t!uir last tribut 0 Hc i"*cs iii t!ic bosom of ilaunaala; thc Royal Mausoleum in Nuuanu, in thc rcsting plaee of thosc of thc KalaKiiuu Dynasty. Hc had!
i fuifilkd thc motto of his houso:' I 'Kuliu ika ■Xuu > , "Sti , ive for' j the Ut'iiost"; for he iiadyiv<.u ii<! j the fulk'si mea.su sei'vit*e, not onl,y to the r rerritor,\\ but to his' owu raec us well. A .yortr at'ter his ilealh 011 Jnn ■ «ar.v 7, memoiia! serviees woro heki iu his honor iil tho| Honso of Hepresontatives in Wash-j ingtou: His suceessor in offico,, the Honorable Harry A, lM<hvin, • now the Prosklout of tho Son«,te! the Territ-orial logislnturo paiU : glowing tribute to hiin. I <nu.to in tHirt, froni Senator Baldwin"s spooeh: | i4 Princo Kalaniannole was a j»rinc<* imlood-a ]ninco of £ood fellows and a man amonjr men. A man 01' sterl in« sinceritv and stromt c»»n-' victions »ho alwa t vs stoo v ! fv r: what he doemod right".v*h'klin#ar to no \voakness, »iu! iuhul.v alwnys. M Amon£ other< who imid tributc to thoir <lowasod;colloayfuo Wi'i e 4 (\»n-
ffrosamnn Cnrry of (V»l!fornirtJ (Vnjyrossnuui ('umpln H of KansftsJ (\>nyrross!Uitn l>o\vol! tsf Wisoon<in, | Conjrrossni:uulosoph (\ Cannon **f lllinois. (\>njrrosstnan of lHinoK nl! wann jvorsoi;j\j friot\'ls rf tho l'i'inoo. | oan jH«rhaj>« l>ost oloso h\ (juoth»rf froin tho oult>iry hy t \mpvssnian *M»tioptf, \\ ho wu«. un<louhtisl!,\ tho !Vinot *s frion?l J<t Wnvhin* ton, Tin v 4t»n»t«tion is a> fino u M"> t>no trivU'.i iau j»>\\ tv> s am>:h(T, j " flu- i'i'iini- \\as t)u | vory s»»nj of j£onor«'tsity. j l>hi!'{»t\ihmj>ios \vorv mah,\ j nn-1 *-in«rtv Nm*huvi- Jho,y
.-j ir;txi*r frojn his liomvllf..'Ss
lov«-f.>r humatut.v. He was | Jic\ur knowii tu Lui'a u dcaf car to an at)i)cul for aid aml Ik> \vas i!ovor qūitc so hap]).v \vh<*n some kin<ily. humane nrt. In all walks of l'f(.% hc praetice<l faith, hoiK' an leharity, whieh arc d'V ne atti'ibute.s of every nmnN h<mrt' His tenrler sol:cit».ide for *his l*e!ove».i \vife wa» in vv.'ry \\&y iut-si] aud tlieir <!eV'»lion to' eneii ot.he;' present<'d n i>.M'feut picture of (loinestic hui>piness- With h<>r haml lovinff'.v r«n<.l eonfi<lingl.v elaspeil in tiis, 'ealnij.v as to a njght'si«*rci>ose, like fio\vers at set of sun , his ffentie sonl left its tenem;!nt. of ela.v to .Iwell :miid the glor- 1 ries of life vvcrlasting. Jn j heaulil'ul Nuuanu Vaile.y, ; aini'* the ferns aiui ilie flo\vers j l><'neath the statei,y i>nhus un-j tlcr the serene and shiiiit:fr: stars of the Tavadise of the Paeil'ie" he now s : leeps the 1 «leep of eter'Mf.y. iPeaee to his. ashes! Friend, ieolleaguc . an<l eoinpanion, hail aiul fare-; well! Aloha! Aloha Oe!" 1