Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — Tax Officials Visit Island [ARTICLE]

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Tax Officials Visit Island

Three tax officials inciuding Catnpb«.il Cro/kT, dcpuly tax eouimiivsioner, Gec-rge I,eonar<i of Uie iaiid division and K. Awana arrlved on the stcamer Saturday from Maui, Tiiey stopped over on Maui on a shorfc visit before coming here, Mr. Crozier will retum to his Honolulu offiee the middle of next week. All Lhreo will be kcpt busy at the Hilo tax office for the next several days.

MEDFORĪ), Mass., Maieli 20 —Mrs. Auiy Kurhart. h.vtnu 4 g ul her »Jaughter's enu-kup. t«nlay ]nessed the hojw th:it the maehine mieiit be uu<l tlu> rpsiimc(l.

Chairman Samuel M Spenccr aml WPA Adminlsttator A. J. WilLiamsoit arc for Honi>lnlu this afternoon on t;temn«T on a bhorl onieial trsp Thoy woro infonnod by lelephono ycsterday from Fituik H. Locov. ionivi>nal WPA aihnnusirnior. Uuu Ui< ir prosciut' \vtts noodt*u īu Honoluiu.