Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — Loeal Office To Be Closed [ARTICLE]
Loeal Office To Be Closed
The loeal intemal re\ouue ofttco v>ili bt- i lost.'(i ;ill ii;i\ \\"t (,i!ics(.}; s y ami Thur*iiay, aeeoniuu; lu ,lojmiy collector Haymoiui M. V. Chang, who revealetl today tl\ut he wouhl t>p»'iul ilu»ho iwo »Jajs on an oial t!ip aioima tlu> islana. Ht» saM that i>orsoti.« w iBhm« to imy their soet«l s»H-ur;{y may do so when the Hilo offiro i\-oikha^ «j!ved litaC the sevefal~sftTtes and terriu>rie» eaael leKislaiion piwidfor » ca?stem of eompleie niedleal service available to all eitiseus at pubhc expense, Ai Kouke \vas the chairuuu\ 'oi Uxe Honokaa dehate. MaU iOiUU ot lillo and Eobert Lmu ol Uonoka®. weie Lhe Uinekee4>ers aud, Uie judges wew Mei*km<;* Waiui P. ul, KukuUidek, WUliam, B M«eFfcrkue of HAina an4 Palliei , lienri ot Hotiok«a,