Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 Malaki 1937 — MUSIC CO. TO DO BROADCASTING E. H. Moses Variety Program to Be Sent Out Over KHBC By Remote Control [ARTICLE]
E. H. Moses Variety Program to Be Sent Out Over KHBC By Remote Control
Ht-mote eonliol broadcasts are becom;ng quilc popular on the Big īsland as is evidenced by the announcement of the Hawaii Music Co. to the effect that until further noiiee nn E. H. Moses variety program will be broadcast from the music store*s studio eaeh Friday from 6:30 to 7 p, m. and on Sunday evenings from 8 to 8:30, their Japanese program is heard.
The first of tnis series took plaee Friday, March 19 and the next appearance on the alr will be next Friday, March 25, over KHBC.
The public is cordially invited to iitjend these broadcasts at the music company's" studio, but E. H. Moses, manager of the eoneem points out that inaamueh as only a limited number of persons ean be accomnīodated in the studio at one time, folk desiring to witness the program in the niaking should arrive early.