Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — Students Talk On Conference [ARTICLE]
Students Talk On Conference
OLAA, March 22 (Special)—Kikue Tanioka and Tomoko Uyenoyama, delegates representing the eighth and the seventh grades of the Olaa school, returned recently from the fzrst Temperance League of Hawaii conference held at Keauhou, March 1 to March 4. At an upper grade assembly held in the cafeteria Tliursday morning, the two delegates gave interesting reports of their personal experienc.es of tlie general eamp life, of the educational talks and ,discussions. They spoke highli r of the leaders at the conference, H. Metcalf. superintendent of tlie Temperanee League; Harold Lucas, YMCA secretary; Mr. Sherretz of the Honolulu poiiee department; Rev. S. L. Doslia, Hawaiiau Board \voiker ; Rev. Shannon Walker. Kona paslor.