Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — HONOKAA TEAM DEFEATS HILO Negatives of Honokaa School Win Debate From Hilo Affirmative Team [ARTICLE]

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Negatives of Honokaa School Win Debate From Hilo Affirmative Team

HONOKAA. March 22 (Special)—A great victory was won by the Honokaa sonior netī«tive ie:tm ovor ilie is!and's »u-on}iesi toam llilo mgli a«irmauves 011 Fridtii- at Hoaokaa. Pauline Wessel was tlic outstttndiiig debater ou Uie afaimative, ably supporto<j by Ed\vurd HoiehiU «nd Yoshito Tanaka. Josephiiie Vlerra with the aid ol her t\vo eolleagues. Misao Kuwa.\e and Masukauiu Hi&aka wou the da,> (oi Honokaa.

The Honokan aflßrmativei team. lost thoir debati\ Thosc repreaentuig tu e team were ltsue H*j<asUi, Carmen Jesuse, and Kei;uu;\to They svcjc dcieute<i by the Kohala aegutive team repre« scmwl bv Chk< Aoki. Tnmie o>h\U\ «*nd Yuriko Shimabukuio,

i'he ijuestion lor dehate was; iie-