Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — FLIER SAYS SHE WILL BE BACK LATER Noonan Reveals That Landing At Howland Might Have Been Fatal With Blown Tire Wrecked Plane to Be Shipped to Lockheed Factory At Burbank On Lurline Saturday [ARTICLE]

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Noonan Reveals That Landing At Howland Might Have Been Fatal With Blown Tire

Wrecked Plane to Be Shipped to Lockheed Factory At Burbank On Lurline Saturday

HONOLULU, March 20 — Leaving her wrecked plane at Luke Field, Amelia Earhart saiied today on the Malolo tp prepare for a new attempt to circle the world. Chin up and smiling, Miss Earhart heard the strains of Aloha Oe and murmured "I'll be back." She added, "I hope it is oniy a postponemait.' : Accompanied by Paul Mantz, lier tectinical adviser, and prfecedgcl by Capt. Harry Manning and F. J, Noonan, she boarded the ship 20 minutes before it sailed. Miss Earhart wore severa.l leis somewhat bedraggled by. rain and still had on brown truusers. a leather jacket and brown sLioes whleli she wore upon her arrival. Sbc āppeared tired, her hair was mussed, and her eyes underlined, She liufried up the gangway without stōpping to talk to reporters. One thousand ot the 8000 letters* Amelia carried were posted 6n Ihe Malolo and the remainder left at the postoflßce for fūrther instrutions. Ships Ketaued Hie coast guard xecalled the Shoshone from Howland and the Tancy whieh was stationcd 200 miles southwest of Honolulu. The navy ordered the Quail and the Ontario to return to their nonnai stations from points between Honolulu and Howland and Howland and New Guinea respectively, Feeling "a bit jittery" but outwardly ealm, Noonan told friends just bcfore he sailed, "It was lucky the accident happēned it did if it ha4 to happen." He said that if the plane had gotten into the air anel attempted a landing at Howland with a llat tire, "we would all liave eome back in boxes. Gas Tank Split The veteran PAA flier said that as soon as the plane got out of control he ,saw sparks "coming from everywhere." lle said the gas tahk on the right side split and the gas started leaking. Amelia cut ufT the right motor anil turned Un- plane so that v;eight was on tlie good wheel. Noonan dedared the most impressive pai't of the whole accident ' was the fact that none of us lost pieuenee of mind." He said the three of Uiem pledged themselvcs to reatlempt the flight as soon as the plane is repaired. Thc plane will be shipped to the Lockheed factory at Burbank on the Lurlinc Saturday.