Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — TACOMA CRASHES INTO PIER ONE Matson Freighter Damages Dock to Extent of Several Hundred Dollars [ARTICLE]

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Matson Freighter Damages Dock to Extent of Several Hundred Dollars

The S. S. Tacoma crashed into Pier i upon her arrival Saturday, causing damage now estimated at several hundred dollars. Aithough the steamer is undamaged fixcept for a slight dent in her bow, the fender system and several concrete pilings of the pier were injured by the col)ision. No olficial announcement eoncerning the cause of the accident has been made public. but observers believe that ihe vessel either eame in too fast or that some meehanieal ! difßculties were experienced when thc order to reverse was given. The Tacoma, whieh was one of v the five steamers purchased by the Matson navigation company and then tied up for many months. was returning to Hilo from Honuapo to ioad sugar for the west coast.