Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — MANY PARENTS ATTENO SESSION Dr. Milton Riee of Hilo Is Guest [ARTICLE]

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Dr. Milton Riee of Hilo Is Guest

, A large number of pareuts and teachers were present at the last Laupahoehoe PTA meetiiig whieh was ' held at the s?hQQI iiall on Tuesday evening. Por the fijst time sinee the beginning of the school year, it did not rain when the meeting was held. James Brown, president,. introduced Dr. Milton Rice, eye specialist of Hilo. who gave an interesting tālk on eyes and ears. Follov,iug his taj&, Mr. Brown expressed thc apprecfation oī those present, Many important discussions fol- . ]owed. One concerneī the buij®- - ing of a ccmbined auditonum symnasium for one agreed to se:iding a petition to the legislature for the construction of this building. Petition Souglit Anptlier concerned the paii road leadlng from the railroad station to the Laupahoehoe school. This road is getting to be very dangerous for the children as well as others to travel over; henee a petition will be sent to the Pederal Relief Aid for the i:nprovement Qf Lhis xoad.

A committee of 5 retired to write these petition so that they couid be read to tlie audience. Those on the committce wero Robert Hutcl\ison, Pather Gustav, Harold Chapson, John costello, and Josepli De Rego. Mr. Brown appointcd Shenff William Liudsey as the eolIcctor of the thousand nkuies lor thc petitions. While the committee was out. Uie I Rev. l. H. BacheUer took. chargc of the music. The prog«pi wlūeh had been planned for cou!d uol be given some of the were absent. Tlie auelieiiee .<a»>s Home on the Range aud Ldiig Sym\ The Rev. Baclteiier aeeouipanied at the vioUu whīle Brown p]aved Uie piauo, William Laeha uext offcred u ?cloetion "Ka Makam KaiU Aloiu, and a group of Hawauaus sau* Pulupe. Those siaguig werv and Mrs. Williani Laeha, Mni. Wiiltam&. Mrs. Johu Akwua. Mr>. llcnry Suutuous, \VuUfuu LuidWiUuun Mouii, Maiia Akao. and Jc:vnuah Malua» Ako also saug Pexuiie* liea» - en. : Auothor iopie Uiat bn>u&M up Uie aelOiiii oi »u :ūh ycar to the Laut>ahocUo< w,hool U dccidtsi Uial Ouat,o tluvuih ihe hanti| oī Oixu Lous Thcrc be a PTA uenuoiuū r-or,\ m Koaolulu ūie Eat-ter \acaUou. $i*£uc <& t*»cher< to be «i lhr e&i tha; Mr. Brc«u &UjfSesUd Ou; *= _