Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 Malaki 1937 — BEST COOKING METHODS TO BE DEMONSTRATED Intensive Preparations Begin This Week to Make Cooking School Finest Ever [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Intensive Preparations Begin This Week to Make Cooking School Finest Ever

Tho pr;K't }fii] n.se of l.ho ]ntpsl. methods in cooking, mi'al plannim; ;nid iiojii(jinaK.aia, wiih pail icuiar :nnr>hrisi!;' on tho problcms of tho housßwifo on Hawaii will bc «trcsscd b.v Miss Mirianv Jackson, honio eeonomist. in her eloelneal domon.s(.rn(ions-.-at I.he J3th- annual .Hilo -Tribmic Hcni!d eookin:', scliool . to btr- stagcd at thc armory,' April 14, 15 and IG. Tliis weok marks tho bcginninfī of intonsivc prcpnration.s 1o make lhis school t-he fincst •possiblc, and of .(ho grcatcst scrvicc (o makers 011 Hawaii. Tl"ic elo'/inm.stratxons will b<; carri.cd out in a mannei- sinnlar to thc prcviou« Tii- . bime Hcrald cooking schools whieh have proved so popular to the thousands of women who attcnd (aeh year. Eleelneal eookin! 1 : will bc thc main featurc of thc dcmonstraUons.

New and convciiioht methods of food preparation possible through electric.ity will be presented in various ways. As a novel departure from the demon.straUons in previou.s years. Miss .Tack.son will show the unique and important value of many ■ small electrical' applianccs. - Mtss Jackson will present housekeepmg hints. recipes, and menus from the st»se. as well as actually preparinti; dishes and eomplele meals. There will be pri7.es at eaeh session—electrieal appliances, merchandi.se, and thc dlshes prepared by Miss Jackson, The Hilo Electric Light Co., Ltd. will eoopemle with The Tribune Herald by lending Ihe use of eleetrical appliances for Mi«s Jackson to use. in illustrating lier demonst.raiion,s on the stage. Miss Jackson, who has for 10 0 years been head of the liome serviee department. of the Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., has had wide and varied experience in home economics both 011 the mainland and in the U rrilory. She lias an interesting, r.ttractive perr,onality whieh adds a ureat dea'l to the success of her demonstrations.