Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — Teachers Plan Party Thursday [ARTICLE]

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Teachers Plan Party Thursday

LAUPAHOEHOE, Hawaii, March 15 (Special> — An informal preEasier £athermg is beīng planncd for Thur&day evening, Mai'eh 18, by Oscien NishiJ;aki. Yoshiaki Eto, and Richard Martin for the younger set in the Lnupahoehoe faculty nnd facultios of t he neighboring An enjoyabie evening oi dancing aiui c.trd is being proiuisod. Invited to attend are Misses Eliuor Chun» Nellie Chock, Adele de Arce, Fumiko Segawa, Bessie Yuen. Aliee Lee. Chiyoko Takagi, LiljGoto, Harriet Monden, Mesdames Phoebe Chaii!ī. Helen lng, and Richaixi Mizuta, Mitsuo Arita, Shigeichi Purukawa and Seichi Okamura.

On Monciay «lilenioon u Brow:u< paek was organi«ed at Hakalau under the s.pon.sorship of Girl Scoui Troop i and its troop eominillee Alii>s Gruce Kanesiuro wiU act as leader of the new group, wiUi Mis£ Ruth Luig as her assātant.

Biwme PiM:ks wiil lx' Uie i'n>u week ui Apiil at Suuidarxi school, Kapioluni school. Waiakeawaena sehool. and Waiakea Sociai SetUement. Loaders for groupare now taking a Brow«ie ua«iiiig com>e wiueii >j> oūered ou Mosiday W'd Wedju'sdiij" emiiUjjs, The seeond uwUng of :he eoum 4 wiH bs rv!*v»ted on Monuay eveniitg. Ihe ihmi t»*vuug wjH be held *>n Weda««l#y evening, M4n*h 1" auxi on Moint;iy eveuing, Mareh 29.