Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 Malaki 1937 — My stery Plane [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

My stery Plane

Well, falks, t'ne mysiery of the n<KtUfnal plane whleh pūz«lcd Kl« Isiand rqtifdēnt»> last nigiit »itd last Frlday, JtaH bwn solv<'(l. Aduery sent to thc Assoclated Piei» by Xhc Trfbune ll<m - ald this inornlng eHeHeA thc l'ollowing inlonnalion, wlrc<J to this-papcr*at noon today; "Army planes on fiig:h,t ohservation h4ve b<?<sri ffylng oycr thc othcr lslands," and apparently one Mas hcarU <jn Ilawaii last night and fast Fridav," Thus is clearcd up for a lot of l'olks a ttiystery that has creatcd cohsiiderat)le intcrcst and not a little speeūlation. SOME THOUOHT OF PELE While many ob%pb:crs \vere eonvinced that it was eithcr an army or naval plane on secret maneuvers, otlicrs weren*t so sure. Some \vent so far as to suggest that possibly Ma<lame Pele was using a plane as a more modern nieans of announ«ing a forthconii|iff stage of voleanic aeiivitiy. The plane wliieh was bel«eved to have. been the same that mystifie4Hamakua residents on Friday night, was noticcd over a mueh iarger area last night— and, al al>out the same h<mr! I'iist rcported over Laupahoehoe, the plane was headed towards Ililo where is oircled ar»und the city and thcn, from ovcr Kecd's bay, apparently made.anotlier turn before vanishing ont lo sea towards the north. SEEN ON MAUI The plane was next observed over Maui where residents said that it'flew l'««r several minutes over Kahuiui and spi'eckeLsvŪTē — anā "~was low enōugli to seem in distress. ltowevcr, they said that it finally left in the dīrection of Oahu in apparentlv good shape. While tlie plane was over Hilo at about 7:30 p. m„ various citizens reported having seen two lights, a red and a green ! one, on thc ship, but »ts altiI tude was too great to permit I identification.