Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 Malaki 1937 — LOCAL GIRLS TO GO TO MOLOKAI [ARTICLE]
Vn<lcr tho h'ā<!fi «hij> 121lz;< K Omalo an<l Ijviu> K. Klii toi'» of fhe Hilo Wom*'!!'»/AHih-M.' 3J io< ai piHb wiU It-.ii. for Molokai »hiy Sij'i<j;<y on iīn ■*t«*anw to ati<'si'l th<* fiHb :unntal
■nt<'r-Isl:iM'i T'lay Day for WemnMi. wh'ieh w*! 13 be h«-l'f on Molokai <>» M;ifv'h »?, -,tu! Th<« pl iv fe«tival was two yearK iu Tlilo an<l a yes\r ago on TVla»i. Girls makinp th<» trip from īlilo are: Marga]<-t Isro\vn, Harri<-t Brown, Yok l.an Mehau, ("hnKUiK 1 Almei<]a, l'Ua 110-a, Rotty Wa'ai. ElMe ■ \Vatai, Mary rootey,. Vi;riuia Asau, Margaret Kimi', liai;it't Stevens. Juli< j t St«'Vons, Born:r':i Baker, Isabel Oann, Ilope Hrotn. Mary Kualii, Pillani MaxfieM. T>;usy Loa, joscjilii;)c- Kamau, Pf;iah Rowe, Su«aunah ('amphell, Vr-ra Toko. Agn«'S Kik'O, ,May Cac<>r<'P. Hattie Kaiani, Bctly 'Matsuhaia, Kuuioi Kak'uloa, Annie Henini.'* I Annie 000. Mary L,<'<* Loy ainl S:irah VVhite. Leaving h<*r<> th<> frirls will stay oīl Maul unlil Moi <lay nisht whi'ii ihcy uill take the ho:i< for Molokai. Tlipy wiii be on Mo lok.ū Tue.;d.ii, \V.-<iiU'S<lay ai,.! Thurs«lay, :in<l in Nonolulu on I* 1 ! ;• dav. n'turniim to Uilo Haluri:i.v.
\larrh L'7. An offieia) invitation has h.i-a r<M'<*i\ <*<1 hon' by Mi s. Osorio I'oni Aniiiii' K. i'hh h s<iu, siit.ii'riin.<-iiiifi.l. 'i!" ri'<'?'<'afion in llonolillu. t'or lii»'
H.iīo Kirls lo particii>:ite in the tifth aniiUal piay festiv7il. This is 11h\ first time that the Phiy I>ay i.< being hekl on Molokai. The prograni for t.his year : S' event will inolu<le: Tuos(lny, Ma.n-h 23, playgronml game«. sports p ; re,l'erenfes aud »ightsoemg trip to iwi,-H--by I>eac>h Fmpi>er-Hjn4-lectnre by vi.siting lectvirei'; Wfflnes(lay, >sporls iireferences, Halnwa valieyUīp, iectiire aml round lubhi (li.s<:usKiQiis; Tlnir.sdny, jilay-gi-ound g;mifs, sig-htseoinp: trij>. «ports preferi»nc*.es. free time, «hnee in evenuig with 12-minute progr;mis by eaeh group. i All Uie islands will be rej)resiMited at th.is festival whieh is Immīi.e? sponsored this yenr by the Moloi kai roinmunity ("enlei'. In<r. While in Honoluiu 011 Friday. Maieh 2(i, ihe llilo girls wiil give u radio broatieasl ai l;lō p.tn. froni Station KGU duiins tlie llonolulu reereation program. AU Hisī Islan<ts ure urged'lo tuno ui to.the progiam.