Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — Dr. Peterson To Conference [ARTICLE]

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Dr. Peterson To Conference

KAMUELA. īlawail. 14 {SpeciaD: —Dr. Francls lVtcrson. s\ili<n-vising piineipal of West Hawaii, lof"t by the steamer H«alaia> Monday for Honolulu where he will at.leml three ennlPieiu-e.H: lst, the secontlary sehool prim"iii;»ls* alnl supervisiiif' piineipal»' T»»rritorial, coni'erenco wilh Siiperintendent Oi't*n Ē. Long frora Mareti 1S to lf( inehiHive; 2ntl, tiu> lirst A(lult Eiluealion eoni'enhiee at <h«- lr»sversity of liawuiī Mom Maieh 22 to 24 wliei•• Dr. l'elei'KOii v iil speak on iiow to DisHnmiish Bet\veen Propagan<la aiui Kiiiiration; nnd Hi-<l, the Lions Ti'rri!oiial <«>nfer'euoe whieh wili be liehl on Mareh 22.