Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 47, 17 March 1937 — HAWAIIAN CLUB IS ORGANIZED Residents At Papaikou and Vicinity Form Group, Officers for Year Named [ARTICLE]

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Residents At Papaikou and Vicinity Form Group, Officers for Year Named

PAPAIKOU. Hawaii, Mmeli 10 'Sjwcial>—Tho Onomoa Sugar Co. Hawaiian Association waks forincd •! last week at Kalaoa by the Ha- I waiiaii residents residing at Papai- i kou and vicinity. Working toward ! the betterment oī tl\e community, this oiKanization is affilu\ted with the Onomea commnnitv . association. Workinß on a varied aiid athletic progran\. tho Huwaiian orgamzation expected to mako a worUiy ftdd\t»on to tl\e oomm\\ntty

Be!'oi"o the eloeiion of oUtccrs> tho ronstitution ot' tho awwiolion ws\s adopted. Thosc olmed to sorvo wei-e: William Koka. presidont; D.ivid Kai. first vice pivsidont: Mrs Thonins Tanaka. sooon<l \sce prosident; Mrs. K»itn<.K> K:\n«h.v. socrot«ry; Jamos Kuali, trx\\t;mrr; D:\\i<l Punahou and Honiy Koamo. dhvetors; KaUnoo Kainuha. ehamnan memborship eominiiioo; Pohina. ot\atrman \volfa\v oomiuHtoe; and Kdw\u Paaluhi. chairt\\an oT att\k v tU ji Ti« k athlot h' dcp;trtmont of this otub in *.pou*ortne a Uenom u\o\ a on Maroh 17 at the Papmkou Uioa- ' trr. As addod atiraotions Ha*uuun mus4c and hula danct>s will tx i pivNoMed th>\t ovonii\t. PAHAI.A, Maivh 12 eimiiHuo 1 Kaiiiwi M Avtmuu?.u;uoi A 3 and Countj EnBī»\fVr K I. Wung »osv in T«K\sdfty mspectuig tho *,Jtk .*r jearmu dawn tln old .vlu>ol builo> tnss K'he %-ork i>. Im'Uik vKy\o b> WPA ilab<*r, I' M*s.t Ksmj Vi'i ou BuiuKo f«r » tWo momhf IHp to SSJw> KmA hor ino'hoi \ Uh btsml n\ !k» ol*S homr iis Wt tls*fc«ko *Uo iia\r