Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 45, 10 March 1937 — Baby Born On Kawaihae Beach [ARTICLE]
Baby Born On Kawaihae Beach
A t!aughter \vas l>orn on the white siint!s at Kawaihae Beae'h to Mr antl Mrs Andi-evv Kam:uioh;n of Kaiopn, o!i F< brna-.v 23. i Mr an<l Mrs Kamawoha an<l a few fi'ien'ls had to Kawaihae to spond the week-end t _ bnt t.t> thoir siirj»rtse, their first-born ehild, who has been namod Florence Loialohu£ave thoin a outing. ' i Mother and child are doi»gi nieoly. Ihe tai il\ roturno(l to their home at K il i i 011 Februarv '21. '■
Major Ben Stafford. \vh.j has l)oon rcgular ttrm.v instriu*toi- of th«' Kational (iuar<l of Hawaii amt <'omman<lor tfaie Hawaii I)istrict iService Comman<l at Hilo sinco ■ATpTIIIB, 11,)35,l l ,)35, hf»s boon transferroti to the Prosi<lio at San Francisco H<> an<! hi,s familv will ioave Hilo about .lune 15,