Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 45, 10 March 1937 — To Start Road Program Soon [ARTICLE]
To Start Road Program Soon
Supt. Lo»is SCain hasanno.ihcthat an mtcnsiv'i' i)ublic. \vorks ln;oirraJii un hiy.'h\v-!i ; v-s, tlvr«uiīW«-t the tcrritoi'.\' h;is hm.'n eom inapj)o(l ont for workthis ,vcai' For thc vnrious i«lanils jtf a tot;il n<isf ol' t\vo miliion (iollarsThe tcrrit()i'ial fciloral uid hijjhvva.v ]»rojects on t.his. anihitious ])roirram urv cither imdcr contracalr<nid,v or clse are schc<lulc(l to start l>('forc ihe cnd of thc fisc»l ycar, .Jujic 30, (J3in said. r rhc projccts inehule thc hight \va.v iinprovcnicnt pro.jcct in thc K<»na <listrict whieh h;ts 1 >ecji contractcd at a cost of S")l t 0<<() Improvomcnts ii» thc Pi.hala <listrict have heen,contractccl at a total cost of $2O(t,o<K). In acl<lition tho progi-a'ni inclu<les £ra<le crossing cliniinations in Honolulu at a cost of *2ur>,9(ji