Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 45, 10 March 1937 — IMPROVEMENTS FOR KEAUKAHA SOUGHT [ARTICLE]

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On Monday when bills and other measures began flowing into the house of representatives with a view to putting the holdover com mittee's recommendaions into ef fect, provision was made for setting aside Keaukaha land under the commissions jurisdiction and obtaining government funds for its development.

A joint resolution request Congress to amend the Hawaiian homes act to place under the jurisdiction of the Hawaiian homes commission. as Hawaiian homes land. 1646 acres of each frontage property at Keaukaha, now set aside as Keaukaha beach park, and formerly a part of the Hawaiian home lands and serving as an essential fishing base for the homesteaders. Seemingly assured that the land in question will revert again to the jurisdiction of the commission. the house members of the holdover committee introduced a resolution requesting the finance committee of the lower chamber to insert an $80,000 item in the appropriation bill for the general imporvement of the Keaukaha area. The measure makes specific provision for these improvements: Road construction, $22,500: water system, $35,000; office and climic building $2,000; community hall $8,000; improvements to existing Nawahi building and park grounds. $2,500; comfort station showers and dressing rooms, $1, 500; pavillion for shelter rooms. etc., $1,500, and engineering, surveying and miscellaneous, $7,000