Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 24 February 1937 — Bids Called [ARTICLE]

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Bids Called

f Bids aiv iiow euihil for; ; fcho loeal ]>ost.offi<'o*s electrieit..v ! ! aiiel iee. sc\vor nn<l \vat<>r sci'vic<\ 1 . washing towds an<l iish<*s ' an<l mhhish. to un j announconH'nt inmle to<l n,\ b.v '< ' P<»st;niastor l>;ini<'l A. I)cvin<>, Th<>sc b;<ls shoul<l he i>uhinittv<l l»rior to 2 p.m. Fci)rnar.v 2~>. j : H»r!s fnr umil incss"njrcr ront<» 1 rai r,\ iny,' ni.-ii!s ;unl ji;trc.'l j)ost to umi l'i o.ii i'<'o-u l;ir ;ui<t ir- , rc.<rul;ir stc{»mers l>ct\vc?n the' . liost3l'l'icc ;iinl Kuhio wharl\ arc ' ' a!so ("'alic(l. Thcse shoul<l he sut>»iitte<i hel'on- ln ;i.'n. Fel>rnar,v •>- ;