Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 24 February 1937 — Notice To Creditors Estate of Solomon Makaaeae, Deceased [ARTICLE]

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Notice To Creditors

Estate of Solomon Makaaeae, Deceased

C)fotlit<)rs' of this PMiU»' nro h(m;by_ ī)_otifK , <l to_filc or th('in clttinis, ihil.y vt*rifitvl, \vith Annii' P. Kimi', KuUuihaele, Ijuinukiui, Hiiwuii, cr W, H. B«-<ts, Ililo. Iliiwuii, \vithin four m<tnths from the <lutc lu'n'of, or thcy will lie forovcr hurr<'<l, ac<;or<lintf nto jk\v, | P:iUvl this ] lth da,v of F«'ln-«ar.y | A.I). | AXME I\ KA\K i Aclin"r, Kstat(' of Solomoti Pine | Makaaeao, <}ceoas<;il. Ft*b. 17, *J-1, Mar. o, H', UHI7 EngJtehm<?n aro said to owe their indisos.tion to thr habit of tea clrinking. In Tombstono, Arizona, the on]y ncwspapi , r printed ib called the Epitaph.