Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 44, 24 February 1937 — Time To Revise Auto Tax System [ARTICLE]
Time To Revise Auto Tax System
| tory \vi)l chvr \\itii ala''rit,v tlu' now.-a ; that th<' Honolniu Ai<t>l^i!<• Clul> j>roposc.s iuii of tLe , t!\X. j 1 his i,s no stiil'i<'ii <l<>< īsi(!n on thc. jmrt of th<> Ant<> (lluh. It ! t >!• y< !irs iiuuh' pcrha.p.s thc c|oscst st.|!ily ol" niitoinobil<> taxatiuu of :im.\ <rroup iii t h<• t<'rrilory. An«i th',s stu<iy i- ; nunie iu a fair spi i*īt, ! 'l I'-" h»s n<'\< r takvn a positioii cxtrrin«'ly p.'irtisan to auto own-U'i-s nx'i<'iv l»'<'!insc th«'y aiuk»- up its■tiK > n»lx.'rshij.>. I—Xo\\ t hr tujih i>.»hits out with nnaiiMVfrnl>i<' ac<'urr><'y that th«» I \v<'ijLrht ta\ ainl tr;iso!in<- ta\<-s t,><r<-th<-r roll uj> mor<' n-vcjiui'-s than aiv l>.'irt<r S |K'ut on r<>aiis: au.| that l.hm- is a coJistant tctnptatio!i for <-ity iiinl co.ua t.\ ot'ficiuls t:> <livcta t.hcsc s|K'ciul ta\cs tw othcr than nw! irnprov< mcnt ]>ur]>oM's. Thc arguim.'nt l'ur <iro|»|»iiiy thc wcitfht tax an<l Kuhstituting an adcM«'ite fht rcgistj-atiou lcc is a stronif one. Ih< I>k kiny ol' thc Auto OwU. whi<'h comniatt(ls iieiu-nil confidcnc« bcx-aiifs«. it bas heen aikl i.s con<liicto<l ou a l>rou<l->faii}rc l>a.sis, ealk tor t.hc s,\ mp it hctie c<'.nsi<lcration <>f ihe ]<->jMutim'.—— Star Bnllctin. . „