Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 43, 17 Pepeluali 1937 — Hope To Repeal Auto Weight Tax [ARTICLE]
Hope To Repeal Auto Weight Tax
__ Tt is felt in Honolula that thc steady fuol tax eolleetions i«j hold to iri'lir;ate that tho ono cont Wf*ight tax 011 auiom»-*-bilorf in Hawaii is 110 lohger necossary. Sevoral l('gis]atorß, \vhose aim pn'suniiil)ly is to iiitro<iuce bilis in tho ro soekinjf the repoal of the woight measurc have askod for up-to-date reports on the fuel tax froni tho torritoriul troasuror Elimination or iuljustjnont of tho \voipfht tax to roliove the indiviclual of thoburdon of oannain-U-iianee and i)Ossibly to shift a grpat(!r psrtion of tlu- hish\vny ( co.sts to the h«avior coininoroial | traffic uppoars to bo tho aitns of the legislators who aro backof the| change. 1 ■ Rtse in tho fuoi tax co}lootions 1
•of Hawnii in rocont yoars was ! pointoil out. ] CoUoct-ioii!s iiuring 1936 wero ■$1,184,477.70. Of this amount | was devotod to man!'datod re(piireirionts and tho ! halanee of §461,883.84 was excess and \vont to various uiuudutcd purpose.s Of tho total 1920 collections Avas from tho City aiul County of Honolula, $181, 85(m2 from Hawaii» $,159,149,86 fr.om Maui and $113,810.-66 froiu Kauai. % - ~ :X: **