Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 43, 17 February 1937 — BILL IS APPROVED [ARTICLE]
WASHINOTON. Feb. ltj ~ Thc | sen«te judici«ry sub-commUtoo to- * d*y «pproved of Ihe Sumnoi> bHI to permlt volvmtftry retirt>monl of tederal judges at fnlī jw»v u:>i>r. iho acre of 70. The retirement me*su?T Vta> bcon approved by Presiclcnt Ro<*-c\ o!t part of his court reorgnni?Htlo>n i>ioRMm son\e senators rcgardoxl it u possibie means of &l!o\ hunu: ihe judtct*i eomrovmj *hich thc Democratic ranks. Ttiey opīne»i that <m« or two ju&tiees now on thc supreiwe court. who are c\os mtght mire voīununiy Chairm*u Pal McCanar,, o! \h« «uh-eonimUie*. s»id the *tpPKH ing U» bili w«ls UMMm<>u« bu* myr> mwnhw dKI i>ot u>?o Th*> »WMrenUr s«\*ior V. r j &or»h, who Vrtl ihe mocv,n* «;uiv ; *tier $ugg<NUt\g th«t thc •*** \v-a: be t%ws t® % the MU «ouMi rq»crte<i u> *\.W commut«e Mo«4»y »t>4 tc •.«< v^-** u I* tn4et v , t ».o We&K^Ai. hm s A (MnmiHH 14 pt\HMAr Uw ? < Uv', ' K»'«s et uidw»iriftl <ntrtpi ■ • mm »ttUKfo>ta!c fctiy L u ftawi «t K*nkti'4; €4mh%